Its been weighing on my mind lately to start this blog back up. My memory is horrible, and Paul has ADD so this is my best shot at remembering all the little and big things that happen in our lives. I don't have much of a need to vent. Usually when something is on my mind I phone my friend MaryLou and vent and that gets it out and I'm good. But I do need to keep a record our of family's history.
Cohen turned one! He is my little sweetie. I am amazed everyday at how smart that little guy is. He has only been on the earth a year and he knows what he wants- usually mama. I'll walk into the room and he will whine and wiggle until he somehow gets to me. And when he does he wants to give me kisses (open mouth :) and hugs and just a few days ago he said mama (where he knows what he's saying, not the mamamamamama.....). About a week after his birthday he started walking. I love the new walker stride. Its a little cowboy and a little tipsy :). So cute. He also LOVES his Papa Knight. Whenever he comes up to visit he books it across the room into papa's arms, and then he immediately lays his head on papa's shoulder.
Cohen also loves playing with his big sister and brother in their room. He loves to climb on their beds and plays with their toys.

My Violet is growing up fast. She is my little mama. She loves to help Cohen out. She likes to carry him around, play with him and talk to him in baby talk. She is such a good big sister.
She's also become my little cleaner. She's like Monica from Friends, no joke. She is that serious about it. She gets upset when her room gets messy. Sometimes she'll come to me and say, "mommy, come look" and she will have cleaned the living room all on her own. A few months ago I helped her clean her room and when we were done I said, "Violet, doesn't feel better when your room is clean?" and ever since then she's been a cleaning maniac. I think its so adorable. We also started a reward jar, so when she does a chore, she gets to drop a little plastic diamond in. And when its full she gets a toy, or a date with mom or dad, or a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's. She's already filled it once and decided it was time for a new backpack.

Jude is my busy little boy. He's showing signs of his daddy's ADD (or it may be that's how little boy's act). Today sitting in church Jude was wiggly and couldn't really sit still and quiet on Paul's lap and I said "you got a little you" and he said "yeah, really" and smiled. I don't mean to sound like I'm jumping quickly to label Jude, I'm just noticing little similarities between father and son. He is always my happy little boy. He loves his brother and loves to play and wrestle with him. He does get a little attitude (after all, he's 2!), and I sometimes can't help laughing when I tell him no, he says "I say yes!"
I've also started the potty talk with him. I tell him that babies wear diapers. And then I say "Are you a baby?" and he says "No!". And then I will tell him big boys go on the potty. And then I will ask him "Are you a big boy?" and he will say "No! My name's Jude!" I love it, so cute!
Other things that have been happening....
Cohen's first haircut
AFTER!!!Family field trip to the Portland temple
I'm behind the camera :)
Campbell Family Pumpkin Patch trip!

Nothing like a hayride to lull a baby to sleep....
Finding the perfect pumpkin
Goofy pic I had to share, made me smile...
Cohen's 1st Birthday!We threw him a party on his birthday for just family and he did not dig it. During the party Papa Knight was holding him and I took him to put him in his high chair to have his birthday cake. As soon as I took him away he started bawling and could not be consoled. He cried when we sang to him and even us sticking a big chunk of frosting in his mouth didn't cheer him up. He knew what he wanted- as soon as we gave him back to papa he was happy.

Not happy!
I am so grateful to be a mom of these 3 awesome kids. I am so happy to have a good husband who is always willing to help me out. My heart is full!