Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mommy's boobies....

A few family updates to keep everyone posted:
Jude is crawling and sitting up all on his own
He is now reaching out for mommy when someone else is holding him
Violet's talking like a little grown up
She is starting "play"school this Thursday

Sunday at church Violet was sitting on my lap and started saying as she patted on my chest "mommy's boobies, mommy's boobies...." over and over (I'm not sure where she learned the word boobies). Luckily we were sitting in the very last row :).

1 comment:

Brynne, Aaron and Cade said...

Oh dear! I was scared when I read that title but I guess all kids go through their days of "mommy's boobies". I just tell Cade they're mommy's breasts and they're not for touching. So he stops. But he never said the word boobies. Just patted them. kids. :)

To answer your question from my blog...Aaron will occasionally touch my belly and say "hello in there. Do you hear me son? this is your father." stuff like that but he won't just sit and talk or sing. Kinda makes us both feel a little uncomfortable. But like you said of Paul, he makes up for it later when the baby's here.

I slept with 4 pillows last night in my bed. Aaron was gone so I had the whole bed to myself. We have a spare twin in cade's room so sometimes I go in there cause it's super firm but last time I did that, I decided it's TOO firm cause I was pretty sore when I woke up. Can't figure anything out that works....and I still have a ways to go. yuck.