New Year's Resolution

The past few months I've really been thinking about how I spend time as a mom. I had noticed that a bit part of the day was going to cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc.. I just love when my house is clean. It was almost becoming an obsession. I think out of all the things to be focused on, I picked a good one, but.... I couldn't be obsessed with cleaning and be the kind of mom I wanted to be. So one of my new years resolutions was to have a messier house :). To spend more time playing down on the floor with my children, doing field trips with them, and lots more cuddling. So far it is going well! I used to lay down with Jude for his nap to help him fall asleep and instead of enjoying the moment I was feeling anxious for him to fall asleep so I could get to the laundry, or whatever else needed to be done. Now I lay down with him and just enjoy the feeling of holding my son, and moments like those are what I imagine heaven must feel like. I am blessed with 3 beautiful children and so far the time is flying by so I better enjoy them while they're still little.
I can attest that time will go too quickly. Once your children start school you think you will finally have all this time to catch up on cleaning your house. I just end up realizing that I should have spent more time playing and enjoying them.
Plus remember you don't teach them any responsibility by cleaning up after them. My clean up strategy is now grabbing a laundry basket and throwing everything into that and then I dump it in a big pile in their room. :)
It looks like you can still keep your house clean and play with your kids! When I take pictures I am always embarrased by the big mess in the background but your background is squeaky clean. I am so impressed. With 3 kids my house is only clean when they are sleeping and usually not even then. This pic is super cute! Your kids are adorable!
Very well said! I'm feeling the very same way. It's getting easier to let the sink fill up with dishes and letting the toys hang out on the floor!
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